As above… I’ve migrated all my data into Stava, which doesn’t Have half the functionality trail had, and I’d like to continue to use trails, but a simple but on the Apple Watch prevents me from using it
As above… I’ve migrated all my data into Stava, which doesn’t Have half the functionality trail had, and I’d like to continue to use trails, but a simple but on the Apple Watch prevents me from using it
Me too.
I like Trails and have paid the last few years and wish Strava had some of what Trails has.
It appears that Trails will die though.
I have used Trails since July 2016. I have 699 saved tracks on it. I’m due for my annual payment and it won’t accept my regular apple pay accounts. I’m sure I’ll lose all my treks, fortunately for the last 3 years I’ve also run Gaia at the same time, so have a lot of the info. There were smart people involved with the making of this app, too bad it couldn’t be kept up.
That’s likely to be am Apple issue rather than a Trails issue
However, should you wish to leave and take your data with you (When I got fed up of the two year wait to fix stuff, I moved to starve), there’s a simple way to download your data en masse.
Now, the rest is up to you: You’ve got a list of the IDs, you’ve got the URL, you just need to write a script that will take each ID and insert it into the URL and go. This will download every single one of your GPXs
I can’t test this, but you may not even need to write a script: this single command may work:
for URL in 'cat textfilewithtrailsidsin.txt'; do echo $URL; curl -m 10 -s -I $1"$URL"?download=gpx | grep HTTP/1.1 | awk {'print $2'}; done
textfilewithtrailsidsin.txt is a text file with the list of each ID in is my IP address: You’ll need to change this