Unable to upload track... trails.io appears to be down

I have not been able to upload this morning’s activity. I am getting errors indicating there is no internet connectivity, but I have no trouble with other apps. Is the server down?


I have been getting the same error and this is one of my favorite apps on my phone - I go horseback riding almost every weekend and this is how I track my trails and activity. Today I wasn’t able to upload or share any of the data that I logged during today’s ride. It looks like several people are having similar issues. I rally hope this is only temporary.

The fact that the site is still down and there has been no official response is not encouraging. I also use the Alltrails app and actually have an active subscription. I renewed my Trails Pro subscription in August. So if they stopped supporting the app that would be very disappointing. :frowning:

They ignored me on twitter, so I’d suggest it’s time to go find alternatives…

(I also horse ride and it’s a pain to have to categorise my rides as something else)