iOS 13 upgrade or app abandoned?

Is there a plan for an iOS 13 release. It appears the last release was a year ago. Greatest app and hope it sticks around.


This question also bugs me.
I have just made a yearly subscription renewal and I am seriously disappointed that the app runs so poorly under watch 6.1 and IOs 13.
Issues I am observing

  1. watch and iPhone kind of loose connection. This is no issue of the general connection between phone and watch because all other apps work well.
  2. Often the app does not start on the watch when starting a trace on the iPhone
  3. often the app on the watch does not stop when stoping the trache on the iPhone. I have then not found a way to stop the app other than powering off my watch.

Mine still works, but as others have said, the screen goes black and it freezes. I need to close the app and restart it to stop the session.


Very sad. I love trails, it’s literally saved my life a few times when I was stuck in the forest at dusk. But with iOS13 I get no location updates when the screen is black, which really sucks big time. I also just renewed my subscription (5th year in a row I think), so I would really appreciate some help here…

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